Monday, May 03, 2004


Well it is the First Day of the work week once again.
I am not sure how many entries I will have on this blog but I will keep trying to keep up with it better than before.

The Day starts out with the Sun up already at 4:45 am. Time to get moving got to get to PT (Physical Training). Got to make sure that My Squad is up and getting ready. Today instead of the normal run we ran a land navigation orientation run. This means that we ran to certain areas on post and got answers to some military trivia questions. My two man team won the contest with the most right answers. At 9:00 AM I have a class to go to. Since I have been here I have been to more classes than a person can shake a stick at. I am really getting tired of class rooms.

This afternoon I made sure that all the maintenance was done on all of the equipment. We started our train up for sapper stakes today. Which means that the NCO’s in the platoon gave classes on battle drills that will be required for the soldiers to know before sapper stakes. Sapper Stakes is a contest we have yearly to see which squad is the best out of the Company. Also this afternoon we had a personal gear Inventory that took a couple of hours.

Exercising a freedom doesn't make a good American,
Remembering where it came from does.

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